Beth Perro-Jarvis
Journalism degree from sturdy Big Ten school and many years at Fallon as Global Group Account Director and head of the agency’s Trend Unit. Plus a few more agency gigs that all make for some hard-to-believe war stories.
Much beloved family, one pampered pet, a great gaggle of girlfriends, loads of enthusiasm, a talent for pie-baking, a penchant for red lipstick and a love of things that simultaneously challenge and bring joy — from tennis and snowboarding to all the eras of motherhood. Optimism is Beth’s secret weapon.
Mary Van Note
English degree from fancy-pants Eastern school and enriching Planning Director stints at Fallon and BBDO. Plus several additional advertising posts coast-to-coast that are too tedious to mention here.
All the makings of a great G-rated movie, including a sassy daughter, wacky neighbors and a cat who walks her dog. Add a quirky southern heritage, a sometimes problematic passion for handbags, and a knack for storytelling and you’ve got Mary, a girl with hair too curly for her own good.